Friday, February 5, 2016

Lit Rebyu: Si by Bob Ong

In a nutshell: What lacks for plot, Bob Ong compensated through style.


Don't get me wrong, it's not that I didn't enjoy the reading experience. In fact, I was so immersed with the book that I read the whole thing while on public transport (this may be the first time I have to thank the traffic for making this feat possible) and yes, I had to hold back a few feels on some parts.

i wish i looked this cool while i was reading this

Recommend this to... Readers looking for a light read executed in a unique style. True to the essence of its title, the novel is both brief (with loads of loose ends and unanswered questions in each chapter) yet can still give you all the right feels in the right moments.

However...Plot-wise, I wouldn't say Si has the most moving storyline nor the most developed characters and I have to admit, some parts felt a bit stretched. However, as previously stated, it's Bob Ong's style that made up for these shortcomings.

From the Memento-ish format to the very delightful choice of words, plus the fact that the style of narration is very far from the subtle Bob Ong Filipinos have come to love, this was truly a refreshing experience for his readers, new or old-timers.

The novel managed to become both blatant with its "in-your-face" dialogues, and at the same time ominous with its unanswered questions. And that, to me, makes a  good read.

 Overall: 3.5 out of 5 snowflakes.

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